
Trawler sunk in 1975 due to a diesel explosion in the engine room. So it had a Japanese flag. Previously it had other names: Gerd-62 and Marva-54. The wreck is located a short distance from the port of La Luz and Las Palmas, on the outer side of the Reina Sofía dam in the same area where there are other wrecks from the same period. It is known as the little kalays because it is at the bottom of the same bay in which the Greek merchant Kalais sank a few years later.
Various sources
Autonomous Community: Canary Islands
Provincia: Gran Canaria
Localidad: Puerto de la Luz (Las Palmas)
- Center: Davy Jones Diving Center
- Centre: Buceo Canarias Diving Center
Apelativo: Pequeño Kalais
Año del hundimiento: 1975
Causas: Explosión de gasoil en la sala de maquinas.
Año de construcción: 1946
Lugar: Astilleros de Holanda
Eslora: 40
Manga: 8
Profundidad máxima: 30
Profundidad media: 27
Profundidad mínima: 25