
Carguero de Surnave, S.A. which had been sailing from the south, when it suffered a fire on board, in the stern structure, several miles from Arguineguin. The trailer that came at the request of the captain to take it to port, was unable to save it from sinking. Vertical collapse that later settled on the starboard side. The cellars and superstructures are kept in good condition. It has a crack that runs along the port side, which is the one that faces the surface. Nice variety of benthic flora and some pelagic, beaked, amberjack. It is on sandy bottoms where stingrays cannot be missing, in their different varieties and species, yellow, black, and other flat cartilaginous fish.
Various sources
Autonomous Community: Canary Islands
Provincia: Gran Canaria
Localidad: Jinamar
- Center: BuceoSur diving center
- Center: Davy Jones Diving Center
- Province: Gran Canaria
Apelativo: Arona
Año del hundimiento: 1978
Causas: Fuego originado en popa. Hundimiento vertical sin que pudiera intervenir un remolque que acudió a rescatarlo.
Año de construcción: 1968
Lugar: Astano
Eslora: 92
Manga: 14
Puntal (altura): 6
Profundidad máxima: 36
Profundidad media: 28