The name of this fishing vessel gives a good account of the preferential course it had planned, the African coast. With the rupture of the agreement with Morocco, after losing the possibility of continuing to fish in the Canary-Saharan bank, many boats were sunk in Lanzarote. This is one of them, but he did not reach the great depths where he was destined. A failure in the blasting meant that they had to bring it closer to shore, ending up within diving range. It is an old seiner about 35 m long that today lies at a depth between 18 and 35 m off the coast of Arrecife, in the so-called "Boca de Juan Rejón". In very good condition, it rests on the bottom on its port side. Its large propeller remains in place, and many barracuda, mackerel and angel sharks can be found on this dive. Its difficulty level is medium.
Various sources
Autonomous Community: Canary Islands
Provincia: Lanzarote
Localidad: Arrecife
- Center: Lanzarote Ocean's Divers Diving Center http://www.lanzaroteoceansdivers.com/
- Center: Techno-Diving Lanzarote Diving Center http://www.techno-diving.com/
- Center: Native Diving Diving Center http://www.nativediving.com/
Apelativo: Rabat
Causas: Hundido a propósito.
Eslora: 35
Profundidad máxima: 35
Profundidad mínima: 18
- http://lanzaroteoceansdivers.com/07c_inm_Rabat.html
- http://www.nativediving.com/detalle.asp?i=20
- http://www.techno-diving.com/Infos/arrecife.html
- http://www.turismolanzarote.com/buceo/guia_lanzaroteideal_af.pdf
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_aHwcms2J0 (Vídeo de SHARK1971ful con Native diving Lanzarote)