This Croatian ore merchant ship was en route from Vizcaya (Spain) to Turkey carrying 5,492 tons of pyrite ash. On August 13, 1992, 2 miles northeast of Ribadesella, the ship took an unstable list: 25º, due to a cargo shift, and despite the fact that numerous troops (two tugboats, two support ships, a helicopter) listed very far to starboard, it sinks irremediably. The 20 crew members of it managed to save themselves. Currently the ship rests on its starboard side, sunk at about 50-55 meters on a sandy bottom, converted into a reef with great colonization by orange actinia and various types of encrusting anemones in the shaded areas, serving as protection and shelter. hundreds of fish The dive, deep and with a lot of sediment in the wreck that can easily cloud the water, requires some experience for the divers.
Various sources
Autonomous Community: Asturias
Provincia: Asturias
Localidad: Ribadesella
- Center: Divers Moor Diving Center
Apelativo: Neretva
Año del hundimiento: 1992
Causas: Escoramiento de la carga
Eslora: 106
Manga: 16
Profundidad máxima: 55
Profundidad mínima: 36